Have you ever wished you could hire a
professional organizer for your life?
Someone to help you clean up your schedule, your to-do list, and your time.
Someone to help you create systems and routines so you can get everyone out the door on time, fit in a workout, and meal plan so there’s never that dreaded question - “what should we have for dinner tonight?”
That’s exactly why I created the Planning Intensive
Because sometimes you just need someone to help you work through the nitty gritty details of getting your life under control.
It’s like working with a Business Consultant for your life!
“The Planning Intensive was so helpful for me because of that accountability. Even though the things we coached on are all things I could have put on my own to-do list, having Katelyn assign it to me as homework helped me prioritize in a different way. And I'm happy to report that all of the things we decided on, I'm still using months after our session! 10/10 recommend this to everyone!”
- Lisa Buchs

You’re ready for personalized strategy, a doable plan, and the support and accountability you need to get it done - all from a seasoned coach and working mom who gets it!
You don’t have time to spin your wheels trying to “figure it out”. You want real-life examples and ideas of how other working moms are getting it done so you can decide what will work best for you for you and then take action to make it your reality too.
By the time we’re done, you’ll feel so energized by having a plan that you won’t even need that triple-shot of espresso. You’ll be unstoppable.
Maybe you’ve thought about 1:1 coaching but honestly, until you start feeling more organized, you’re not sure how you’d even fit that in.
The Planning Intensive is a great place to start.
You’ll walk away with a plan and step-by-step action items that will make execution easy. Like following a recipe where you have all the ingredients and all you have to read is follow the steps from top to bottom.

Your Planning Intensive Includes:
Pre-Session assessment
Come to your Planning Intensive fully prepared to make the most of our time together with questions designed to help you zoom out and get clear on what the challenges are and what your dream is. We'll be able to dive in quickly to get you the best plan and the biggest results!
1 Week of Unlimited Email Access
Feel fully supported as you start to implement your new, simple action plan. I'll help you through challenges or setbacks, answer any questions you have, and cheer you on as you make progress. You will LOVE feeling the change in your days as your vision comes to life.
1:1 coaching session
90 minutes of personalized coaching designed to give you
immediate momentum, a step-by-step plan, and the confidence
to start implementing right away. I'll also coach you on the
mindset shifts necessary to make your success inevitable.
tools & resources
Continue learning with my best tools and resources to support
your ongoing progress. I'll share worksheets, video trainings, podcast episodes, or book recommendations for your self-study that directly relate to what we cover on our call so it doesn’t have to end here.


Your intensive will tailored to YOU,
but here are some examples of how other working moms have used their intensive:
✓ Setting up a new meal planning process so the fridge is fully stocked each week, and everyone always knows what’s for dinner.
✓ Creating a plan for regular exercise and movement, from walking and gentle stretching to a high-intensity workout class or training program. You’ll have a realistic plan for how and when to fit it in.
✓ Restructuring your morning and evening routines so everyone gets out the door and into bed with as much ease and efficiency as possible.
✓ Brainstorming ideas and a realistic plan for connecting with and dating your spouse so you can have fun with each other again and get a break from the everyday responsibilities of parenting and working.
✓ Reworking your weekends so you can have balance between getting things done and also relaxing and having fun.
“I feel so relieved after my session with Katelyn, highly recommend! I left with many tactics that are easy to implement and I think my life and routines are going to be very positively impacted.”
- Alicia Stoughton

You have the time…
Let’s make a plan so you can use it effectively on the things that will make the biggest impact for you, for your work, and for your family.
Still have questions?
+ Is 90 minutes really enough time to make a meaningful difference?
You will be amazed at how much we will accomplish in just 90 minutes. The pre-assessment is designed so that we both come to session fully prepared to hit the ground running. Depending on the topics you bring, I'll suggest an order for our call and allocate time for each topic to ensure we make it through the list. Be prepared to make more decisions that you thought possible! I do not want you to leave our time together with anything that you have to "figure out" on your own. I will keep us to task and make sure that you have everything you need to be successful after we wrap up.
+ What will I receive at the end of our session? What is "the plan"?
I'm a detailed note-taker and want to make the execution of all our plans and ideas EASY. So following your 90-minute session, I'll send you a document that includes detailed notes from our session along with a checklist of the homework items and next steps we agreed on. I'll also include resources and links that might be helpful as you continue to think about what we coach on. Once you receive your plan, you'll have direct email access to me for a week to brainstorm further ideas, check-in for accountability, or celebrate your progress along the way. Your plan will be something you can save and continue to reference as you make tweaks to your new routines and schedules.
+ How is this different from your private coaching offer?
For starters, this is a one-time session whereas private coaching is a longer-term partnership where we work together for a minimum of 6 months. The Intensive is focused on logistics and strategy, whereas private coaching combines the strategy alongside deep coaching that helps you uncover the WHY behind your decisions, actions, motivation, and more. It's for women who want to make the logistics of life run more smoothly, but who also want to change the way they feel about life. To ditch the guilt and martyrdom for freedom, joy, and confidence that they are fully living their lives - as professionals, moms, and women.
+ What if I decide this isn't enough? Can I still do private coaching?
Absolutely! If you love the way life feels having fresh ideas, accountability, and the encouragement to make swift decisions, then you'll love how much more you stand to gain with private coaching. We'll take the cost of the Intensive off your total private coaching package price.
+ Is the Intensive only for new clients?
No! It's for new clients as a great introduction to working with me and for quick wins that you'll feel immediately, but it's also a great "tune-up" session for alumni clients. Many of my former clients have booked an Intensive as their lives have changed or if they're entering a particularly busy season or embarking on a new, big project. It's so smart and resourceful to get support during those times. Why make it harder than it has to be?
+ What's the most common "problem" you coach on in a Planning Intensive?
Meal planning and morning routines. Hands down! Sometimes you just can't see the forest for the trees and so it's helpful to have an outside, neutral third-party to spot the parts of your routine that just aren't working. My best advice is to think about your average week and then think about when you feel the most stressed, overwhelmed, or frustrated. THAT'S what you should bring to your Planning Intensive!