You have so much to be grateful for - healthy kids, good job, nice home - but instead of enjoying what you have, you feel tired, stressed, and overwhelmed from
trying to keep up with it all.
→ Your mind is constantly running through your endless to-do list, strategizing about how to multitask and fit it all in.
→ When you do take a minute to sit down and play or spend time with your kids, you’re not really “there”. Your mind is somewhere else - thinking and worrying about what you need to do next.
→ And when you catch yourself not being fully present, you feel guilty.
Some days it feels like you’re missing out
on this time with them.
If you could just get it together, you could stop feeling so distracted and scattered. If you just had more time to get organized and caught up, you could finally relax and enjoy your life.
But I can tell you that it’s so much more than having enough time.
How do I know? Because I tried all the things thinking that I just needed to “get organized”
I thought every other working mom had figured out some secret and I was doing something wrong.
But it turns out, I wasn’t the only one who was struggling.
Now, when I look around I see working moms searching in all the wrong places for tools, productivity tips, and organization hacks, thinking that if they could just get the right systems in place they’d be able to manage it all.
I see women taking care of everyone but themselves. Investing in everyone and everything around them, but embarrassed to invest in themselves thinking they should be able to figure it out.
They keep waiting. Waiting for this busy season at work to be over, for the kids to be through this stage, for the next vacation or “break”, for things to be better.
But how long are we willing to wait?
How many more days are you willing to spend feeling exhausted, overwhelmed, and like you’re missing out on the full experience?
How many more excuses are you willing to make for why you’re not taking care of your health or making time for you?
How many more times are you willing to yell at your kids for something small or argue with your husband over who’s doing more?
There will always be something that you have to “get through”. Working mom life will always be full, and sometimes crazy.
So why not enjoy it anyway?!?

How would it feel to be the mom who is focused on her life instead of her to-do list?
✓ How would it feel to let go of the guilt that you’ve been carrying around for working too much, for having a messy house, for keeping score with your spouse?
✓ How would it feel to make progress on the goals and projects that are important to you, like your health, your relationships, your hobbies? (do you even remember what a hobby is??)
✓ How would it feel to have dedicated support from someone who’s been where you are so you can stop crowd-sourcing advice from Facebook and let your husband just be your husband, instead of trying to be your coach?
✓ What if you could take care of responsibilities and chores in an easier way and trust that no matter how busy things get, you can handle it and remain calm?
✓ What if your confidence in who you are as a woman - outside of just work and responsibilities - was so solid that you couldn’t help but show up every day in a way that you’re proud of?
✓ What if you gave yourself credit for all of the things you do and do so well instead of seeing only the things you didn’t do?
✓ What if you were more present with your kids? Appreciating them for exactly who they are, being here, now, creating fun and a family culture that they’ll look back on someday and smile.
I can tell you it’s the best gift.
I know this all probably sounds too good to be true. I remember thinking the same thing. But it’s not.
These results and more are exactly what I help my clients with in my private coaching.

Hi. I’m Katelyn
I’m a full-time, working mom of 3 young kids, a wife, an avid reader, gardener, planner and list-maker, and an astrology novice. I also am a hobby collector (if you couldn’t already tell!).
As a coach for busy, working moms, I have the privilege of helping women figure out what they want as a working mom and how to get there in their own way.

I believe that despite what we’re told, we can’t have it all, and the sooner we make the decisions about what our priorities really are, the sooner we can stop beating ourselves up for not doing it all.
We are working moms. We are professionals AND mothers and neither title has to be the only thing that defines us. We love them both.
Years ago I thought I could do it all.
As a new mom, I returned to work feeling guilty because it was what I WANTED to do, not just what I HAD to do.
I kept the same pace of life as I had before my son - working like crazy, doing all the things, taking on all the projects - and just assumed that I would add motherhood on top of everything else.
I was exhausted, frustrated, overwhelmed, and disappointed. I found myself wishing for my old life back. This was not what I thought it would be like.
Something had to change and I had to decide.
Decide that I deserved to feel better and so did my family. Decide that there was nothing wrong with needing help and wanting things to change. And decide that I was worth investing in and that support and accountability were what I needed. So I hired my first life coach and the experience opened my life wide open.
I stopped trying to do it all and started doing more of the things that supported my priorities in that season.
I acknowledged the stories I had been telling myself about what working motherhood was or wasn’t and I started telling a new story - my story.
A story that includes having 2 more children while continuing to work full-time, taking care of responsibilities, making time for myself and my husband, and being present for all of it.
How would it feel to be fully present? To not always be thinking about what’s next? To be relaxed and here for every season and every stage?
That’s what coaching is all about.
Here’s what past clients have to say…

What you can expect:
During our time together, we can work on all or some of the following:
✓ Creating routines & systems to manage tasks and responsibilities at home and at work.
✓ Experimenting with schedules and morning routines to create a more ideal day.
✓ Balancing household responsibilities with your husband so that your relationship is more than just being roommates.
✓ Working with your daily, weekly, and monthly energy cycles to be more aligned and productive.
✓ Making confident decisions so you can stop overthinking and over-researching.
✓ Learning how to notice and control your feelings.
✓ Becoming a more patient and present mom.
✓ Trying new hobbies or pursuing old interests that have been on the back-burner for years.
✓ Prioritizing your health in a way that you want to model for your kids.
✓ Learning how to rest so you can show up in the way that you want.
✓ Creating goals, a vision, and dreaming about what kind of life you want to create.
Coaching is not about adding more to your already full plate. It’s about evaluating what you’re already doing, experimenting with new ways to simplify your life, and shifting the way that you think about it all so you can create more time and more enjoyment in your life.
What’s Included
In this 6-month coaching package, you’ll receive:
12– 1:1 Coaching sessions
This is where the magic happens. These 45-minute, every-other-week-sessions will be where we look at your life, create your big-picture vision, identify your priorities, and then get to work creating and executing on the plan that’ll get you there. Trust me when I say you will not want these 6 months to end!
customized resources
The realizations and learnings that you’ll experience with each session will never be lost to your chicken scratches because all homework items and resource recommendations will be beautifully organized for you in a custom Trello board that you can reference saving you time and energy.
on-the-go coaching
Life happens in between sessions and I want you to get the support, answers, and accountability while those challenges are fresh, which is why you have unlimited access to me via Slack so you can get coaching and encouragement in-the-moment.
Access to my content library
Whether it’s a training on being a more patient mom, a meditation to help you transition from work to home, or a monthly goal tracking worksheet, you get access to all of the best materials that I’ve created over the years so you can immerse yourself in the topics of interest to you.

I believe in the power of quality coaching and I have a dream of making coaching more financially accessible.
For 1:1 coaching, I offer a tiered, class-equitable, pay-what-supports-you pricing model that ranges
from $2,500 to $4,200 for 6 months of coaching, with payment plans available.
To learn more and to find out if you are a good fit for 1:1 coaching, please fill out a short coaching application.

A little more client love!
“It has been more than 100% worth it for me.” - Katie D.
“After 3 months of coaching, I’m in complete control of my time.” - Emily F.
“Katelyn gave me a really great confidence in myself to set boundaries.” - Emily M.

So the question you have to ask yourself is…
Are you ready to make the most of your one crazy and full life as a working mom?
Still have questions?
+ I’m worried about what my husband will think when I tell him I want to invest in life coaching. How do I explain this to him?
You start by knowing why you want this and then you remember that the people in our lives who love us, want us to have what we need. If this is what you need to feel better and show up in your life in a way that you feel good about, then he needs to hear that.
If I were your coach, I would coach you on the difference between asking for permission and asking for support. When you ask for permission, you are unsure yourself whether or not this is “worth it” and so you’re looking to someone else to validate that uncertainty. If you’re not sure, this probably isn’t the right time for you. When you’re certain of what you need, you don’t need anyone else’s opinion of what you should do, you just need their support of the decision you’ve already made.
+ I have so much on my plate already. Do I even have the time and capacity to invest in myself with coaching?
I would ask you to tell me, when will you not have a lot on your plate?
I’ve not coached a single working mom who told me “I have time and capacity now to invest in myself”. They’ve all been doing exactly what you’re doing - working hard in their careers, taking care of their kids, their homes, and all the other responsibilities. They were just tired of waiting for a time when it would feel right to prioritize themselves. There is no “perfect” time. There’s just time and what you do with it.
I also want to remind you that I know the realities of how much time you have available because I’m right there with you - a full-time working mom of 3 young kids. As long as you are willing to come to our coaching sessions fully present and committed, I promise that your “homework” won’t just be one more thing you have to do. My guess is, it’s something you’ll want to do.
+ How do I find privacy for our coaching sessions? I don’t want my husband, kids, or coworkers overhear what I’m saying.
Being able to speak openly and honestly without fear of anyone overhearing you is SO important for coaching. I’m so glad you’re already thinking of this.
You’d be amazed at how creative my clients can get in order to find a little privacy. Whether that’s taking a coaching call in your car (parked in your driveway or on the street), in your closet, or on the phone instead of zoom so you have the flexibility to move around as needed, I’ve never had a client not be able to make it work.
+ Why do you require a 6-month commitment? I prefer to go month-to-month.
I used to offer one-off coaching sessions and shorter coaching packages, but I soon realized that it wasn't what my clients truly needed. I view coaching as a partnership and I want you to be able to integrate the ideas and changes from our sessions with support and accountability. Because change is never a smooth ride and you will need support when you come across challenges and setbacks. In my experience, 6 months is the minimum length of time that it takes my clients to achieve transformation and integrate their goals as a way of life. They don't just learn the how. They become it.
+ Can I gift coaching with you to a friend, family member, or my wife?
That depends on whether she specifically asked for coaching with me or not. If not, you may want to consider another gift. Coaching requires commitment and SELF-motivation. The last thing you or I want is for her to accept your gift out of shame or obligation. Plant the seed, and when she's ready, she can reach out and I'll send the bill to you!
+ Is this something my employer could pay for?
I’ve had many clients have success getting their employers to pay for life & executive coaching. After all, investing in you is an investment in their future success as well.
To make it easy and save you time, I've created a sample email that you can send to your manager to ask about using professional development or learning and development funds to pay for your coaching sessions. I also have a PDF overview that you can share to highlight the key benefits for organizations who invest in coaching for their employees.
To get these materials, please email hello(at)themothernurture(dot)com