The Power of Saying Less: Why Silence Can Be Your Superpower as a Working Mom

As a working mom, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of daily life, rushing from one task to the next, juggling multiple roles, and striving to do it all. But what if I told you that one of the most powerful tools you can use to enhance your productivity, improve your relationships, and reduce stress is simply saying less?

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No Week is "Normal" as a Working Mom

For me, and most of the working moms I talk to, a normal week would be one where you work your regular schedule with few surprises, your kids go to daycare or school or are with the nanny for those same hours, and in general your plan for the week matches reality. The outcome is what you expected. A "normal week" is predictable. There are no surprises and that makes us feel in control. But what most parents learn pretty quickly (or not so quickly for some) is that those weeks, the normal ones, are few and far between.

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The 4 Mistakes to Avoid this Holiday Season for Busy, Working Moms

With so much coming at us - events, celebrations, activities, and more - I wanted to share with you the 4 most common mistakes that I see working moms make during the holiday season. My hope is that knowing what to watch out for will help save you so much time, energy, and even some disappointment along the way. Avoiding these mistakes is about doing things differently this season so that you can be more relaxed and calm amidst the chaos.

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Planning for the Unexpected as a Working Mom

Planning for the unexpected. It's a topic that comes up repeatedly because as a parent, you know that things are constantly changing. Something almost always comes up. It's why one podcast listener asked, "what's the point of even planning when you have kids? If it's all going to change, isn't that just time that you wasted creating a plan?"

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Planning for the Holidays as a Working Mom

If I could compare October to something, I would say it's like sitting at the top of that first, very big roller coaster hill. πŸŽ’ It's that moment of pause where you know what's coming and it's both terrifying and exciting. You know that as soon as you reach the tipping point, you'll go flying down the other side at top speed! October is when the ride really gets rocking and rolling as you zoom through the last two months of the year.  Regardless of if or what holidays you celebrate, or whether your kids are in school yet or not, there's so much that's packed into this time of year and it can be a challenge to stay just one step ahead.

But what about enjoying the ride?

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How to Get Off the Hamster Wheel as a Busy, Working Mom

If I asked you how you like to celebrate your wins in life, would you have an answer? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ Or would you say, "I don't know. I've never thought about it before."? We're taught to celebrate the big milestones in life. The birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. The firsts and the lasts. But the in-between, everyday wins, successes, and progress? Those aren't the celebrations we see very often.

And if we do, they can be seen as "too much" or "a little excessive".

But what if celebrating the smaller, in-between moments and experiences is actually the thing that makes life more enjoyable?

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4 Steps to Start Prioritizing Self-Care as a Busy, Working Mom

Do you ever fall asleep at night without brushing your teeth? Are you ever so tired that the thought of getting up off the couch or out from under the covers to wash your face is just TOO much. You're not alone! I hear this all the time from clients and community members. Whether it's brushing your teeth, drinking water, taking vitamins, washing your face, or getting enough sleep, finding the energy for these healthy habits can feel hard.

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Laundry Hacks: Simple Solutions for Busy, Working Moms

Let's talk about laundry. πŸ‘•πŸ§Ί The dirty laundry that needs to get done because you're running out of clean clothes, the clean laundry that sits in the basket waiting to be folded and put away, the soccer socks, dance leotard, and sports jerseys that are never clean when you need them, and my favorite... The laundry that sat overnight in the washer because you forgot about it and now needs to be washed again.

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The Secret to Being a More Patient and Present Mom

We think of patience as a skill. Something we need to learn and practice. Something that parenting experts can help us with by providing the phrases and scripts to use in those frustrating situations. But you could have the best strategies, phrases, or skills and still react impatiently if you're overwhelmed.

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