As a working mom, you're no stranger to the juggling act. Between managing your career, family responsibilities, and everyday life, it can feel like you’re on a constant treadmill, running but never quite getting ahead.
Read MoreAs a working mom, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of daily life, rushing from one task to the next, juggling multiple roles, and striving to do it all. But what if I told you that one of the most powerful tools you can use to enhance your productivity, improve your relationships, and reduce stress is simply saying less?
Read MoreThe new year often brings a sense of fresh beginnings and a chance to reset, but for parents, it also marks the beginning of a season full of the unexpected. Here's a practical guide to navigating those unexpected changes to your schedule without losing your mind.
Read MoreFor me, and most of the working moms I talk to, a normal week would be one where you work your regular schedule with few surprises, your kids go to daycare or school or are with the nanny for those same hours, and in general your plan for the week matches reality. The outcome is what you expected. A "normal week" is predictable. There are no surprises and that makes us feel in control. But what most parents learn pretty quickly (or not so quickly for some) is that those weeks, the normal ones, are few and far between.
Read MoreIf I asked you how you like to celebrate your wins in life, would you have an answer? 🤷♀️ Or would you say, "I don't know. I've never thought about it before."? We're taught to celebrate the big milestones in life. The birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. The firsts and the lasts. But the in-between, everyday wins, successes, and progress? Those aren't the celebrations we see very often.
And if we do, they can be seen as "too much" or "a little excessive".
But what if celebrating the smaller, in-between moments and experiences is actually the thing that makes life more enjoyable?
Read MoreWe think of patience as a skill. Something we need to learn and practice. Something that parenting experts can help us with by providing the phrases and scripts to use in those frustrating situations. But you could have the best strategies, phrases, or skills and still react impatiently if you're overwhelmed.
Read MoreDo you find yourself rushing from one thing to the next? Grabbing your to-go mug of coffee while putting on your shoes and asking everyone if they've gone potty while you rush out the door with zero seconds to spare. Or slamming the laptop closed as soon as you hit send on that last email as you rush to not be the last parent at pick-up today. It's not that you mismanage your time. It's that there's just so much to squeeze in. And you want to get as much out of your time as possible.
Read MoreThe best time management strategies won’t make a difference if you don’t first know how to set boundaries. I know, I know. It's not what you wanted to hear. You wanted to hear that implementing Trello for your to-do list is going to change your life. That time blocking is the best way to get more done. Or that I have a strategy for keeping up with your inbox so that nothing falls through the cracks. And while I do have ideas and proof of tools that I've seen work for the hundreds of women I've coached, before any of those things will work for you, you have to learn the skill of setting and maintaining boundaries.
Read MoreDo you love your job? I'm curious if that answer has changed over the years. I know it has for me, especially after having kids. Before I had my oldest child, I worked because frankly, I was ambitious. After working hard for my degree and taking risks to get internships and move to new cities, I wanted to put it all to good use.
Read MoreI never used to describe myself as a "fun mom". Or even just a fun person! That just wasn't me. I've always felt like I was more serious than others, even as a kid, and grew up feeling "blue" more than not. After my first child was born, I was diagnosed with postpartum depression and I remember worrying that he would turn also out to be a serious kid because he rarely saw me smile. And that broke my heart.
Read MoreThe way I coach on priorities is that they are just another tool that can help you be intentional with your time. In the same way that a planner or project management app can help you manage your time. If you want to have fun with it, start by asking yourself a few simple questions.
Read MoreYou deserve a life that feels fresh and exciting, like a pair of tropical pants that turn heads and elicit compliments. But you have to be willing to try on something new. And then have someone there who can tell you - That is SO you. In 1:1 coaching we create your version of the tropical pants life.
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