How to Set Better Boundaries as a Working Mom
The best time management strategies won’t make a difference if you don’t first know how to set boundaries.
I know, I know. It's not what you wanted to hear.
You wanted to hear that implementing Trello for your to-do list is going to change your life.
That time blocking is the best way to get more done.
Or that I have a strategy for keeping up with your inbox so that nothing falls through the cracks.
And while I do have ideas and proof of tools that I've seen work for the hundreds of women I've coached, before any of those things will work for you,
you have to learn the skill of setting and maintaining boundaries.
Because if you don’t learn how to set boundaries around your time, energy, and capacity, you’ll continue to:
Have more on your to-do list than you can ever complete,
Feel like you can’t step away even for a minute without more work piling up,
And continue to give all your energy to work, leaving nothing for your family and yourself.
The tools will end up being a band-aid that'll continue to fall off every couple of weeks until you learn how to heal what's underneath.
That's why the first phase of my coaching program isn't about jumping right in to update your to-do list, overhaul your calendar, or implement new routines.
It's about the foundation that will make those tools a guaranteed success later. It's about boundaries.
For some clients, those boundaries are big.
It's deciding whether or not to accept a promotion or expanded role at work, learning how to share responsibilities with a partner or co-parent, or practicing a new way of managing a team.
But for other clients, it's the everyday boundaries that have a big impact:
Finishing your thought or that email before you respond to an incoming message.
Putting your status on ‘do not disturb’ while you focus for 30 minutes on a priority project.
Waiting to reply to an email knowing that the other person will likely find the answer on their own while they wait for your reply.
Pausing to assess your workload before you say yes to more.
Telling a colleague that you need to think about whether or not you can commit to being a part of that project.
Better boundaries is really a question of what you want to be known for.
Do you want to be known for being super responsive and always available or for being the person who produces amazing results and has innovative ideas?
Do you want to be known as the person who's great at managing their inbox or the person who has energy left at the end of the day for themselves and their family?
Once you learn the skill of setting better boundaries, it'll be so much easier to manage your time and tasks. Trust me.
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