Posts tagged working mom
Choosing How You Spend Your Time: A Shift in Perspective for Busy Working Moms

As working moms, we're constantly juggling multiple roles and responsibilities. From managing household chores to meeting work deadlines, too many days it feels like there’s just not enough time to do everything we want to. The frustration of being "behind," feeling envious of others who seem to have more time, and wishing we had more time can lead to resentment toward the things we do have to do.

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How to Get Off the Hamster Wheel as a Busy, Working Mom

If I asked you how you like to celebrate your wins in life, would you have an answer? 🤷‍♀️ Or would you say, "I don't know. I've never thought about it before."? We're taught to celebrate the big milestones in life. The birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. The firsts and the lasts. But the in-between, everyday wins, successes, and progress? Those aren't the celebrations we see very often.

And if we do, they can be seen as "too much" or "a little excessive".

But what if celebrating the smaller, in-between moments and experiences is actually the thing that makes life more enjoyable?

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Trying to 'Figure Out' Life as a Working Mom?

"I need to figure it out"

It's a phrase I hear frequently and I want to talk about it because it's sneaky and often drains your mental energy.

How? Because it's not specific.

It creates open loops and unanswered questions that your brain desperately wants to close. And that constant scanning and thinking in the background takes extra energy that most of us don't have to spare.

Here's what you should say instead.

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Coasting Versus Leaning In

Coasting at work or quiet quitting is getting a lot of air time these days. But the truth is, working parents have gone in and out of phases of coasting for years as we navigate returning from parental leave, co-parenting with a partner's demanding work schedule, or just daycare illness season each fall/winter. It can be necessary at times and life/career-saving too. But what if you're stuck coasting because you think you don't have the time or energy that "leaning in" to your career will take? And what if the truth is, it doesn't take that much more?

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You Don't Have to Choose Between Work and Life

Do you ever feel like you have to choose between giving your energy to work - throwing yourself into creating results, serving clients, or hitting billable hour quotas - but having nothing left for your family? Or giving your energy to your kids - thinking constantly about them and their needs, being really present and playing, or taking care of all the things for them - but having little left for the work your job requires? Break the cycle.

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