As a working mom, your weekends are precious. After a busy week filled with work deadlines, meetings, and family obligations, it’s easy to see the weekend as your time to catch up on chores or simply collapse on the couch. However, without a little thought and intention, weekends can leave you feeling either overwhelmed or unsatisfied.
Read MoreHave you ever felt like there's never enough time in the day? Like your to-do list keeps growing while your energy diminishes? Or maybe you've found yourself complaining about never having enough time to work on the things that truly matter to you - personal projects, quality time with your family, or even a moment to just breathe.
Read MoreThe new year often brings a sense of fresh beginnings and a chance to reset, but for parents, it also marks the beginning of a season full of the unexpected. Here's a practical guide to navigating those unexpected changes to your schedule without losing your mind.
Read MoreHave you started thinking about 2025? As much as we'd love to stay in the present, especially this time of year, the impending "turning of the calendar page" is too much to resist. I've had so many client conversations lately about the new year. Thinking about a fresh start, setting intentions, maybe even some goals if that's your thing.
Read MorePlanning for the unexpected. It's a topic that comes up repeatedly because as a parent, you know that things are constantly changing. Something almost always comes up. It's why one podcast listener asked, "what's the point of even planning when you have kids? If it's all going to change, isn't that just time that you wasted creating a plan?"
Read MoreIf I could compare October to something, I would say it's like sitting at the top of that first, very big roller coaster hill. 🎢 It's that moment of pause where you know what's coming and it's both terrifying and exciting. You know that as soon as you reach the tipping point, you'll go flying down the other side at top speed! October is when the ride really gets rocking and rolling as you zoom through the last two months of the year. Regardless of if or what holidays you celebrate, or whether your kids are in school yet or not, there's so much that's packed into this time of year and it can be a challenge to stay just one step ahead.
But what about enjoying the ride?
Read MoreLet's talk about what you get done in a day. Do you start thinking about what you need to do as soon as you wake up? I'm often mentally creating a list while I'm in the shower or drying my hair. I want to hit the ground running as soon as the kids are out the door for school.
Read MoreIf you haven't noticed by now, I could talk about productivity and time management hacks until the cows come home (yep - I just said that🐄!). I pride myself on making solid recommendations to anyone who asks me about what system or tool they should use. Sometimes though, I meet my match.
Read MoreDoes your family create a summer bucket list? You know me - I love going into a new season (literal or figurative) with some intention. Whether that's the holidays, Maycember, the start of school, or for those of us in the northern hemisphere - summer. Transitioning with intention simply means thinking ahead and choosing how you want to spend your time as opposed to letting life just happen to you.
Read MoreDo you have a garden that you're getting into this time of year? I come by my love of plants and gardening honestly. My mom has the greenest thumb of anyone I know. Her garden and landscaping at my childhood home are seriously jaw-dropping. It's magical to be there during the summer. But I always used to tease her about the pictures she would take of her landscaping.
Read MoreHappy Maycember! The month that rivals December in the number of activities, events, and commitments, especially for parents. IYKYK. This is the time of year when everyone realizes that it’s almost the end of the school year and so we rush to fit all the things into the calendar while also juggling the holidays and other events that are fixed in May.
Read MoreHow could you benefit from deciding what you're going to focus on right now? From accepting that you don't have infinite time, and instead choosing to use the time you have effectively? If you feel like you can't choose... If you aren't sure how to break things down in a way that fits with your capacity... If you feel torn between focusing on professional versus personal projects... I can help.
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