Planning for the unexpected. It's a topic that comes up repeatedly because as a parent, you know that things are constantly changing. Something almost always comes up. It's why one podcast listener asked, "what's the point of even planning when you have kids? If it's all going to change, isn't that just time that you wasted creating a plan?"
Read MoreWhen I help clients set up systems and routines around the house, it's to free up more time, with the hope that they'll use that time for fun, enjoyment, and relaxation. But those same routines also serve you in seasons of survival. They make it easier to keep things running when you're low on energy, motivation, or health. Whether you're in a season of enjoyment or a season of survival, here are 5 of the routines that keep life running and free up time and space for whatever it is I need.
Read MoreOne of the best things I did for my health in 2022 was to prioritize sleep. With full-time work and 3 young kids, it's not always easy but this one simple change to my evening routine really made a world of difference, and now, 8 hours of sleep a night is just what I do!
Read MoreIs your plan in control of your day? Does your plan leave you feeling calm, relaxed and in control? Do you even have a plan? With no fancy planner or a set of flair pens, take control of your day to feel less overwhelm and stress.