As a working mom, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle of daily life, rushing from one task to the next, juggling multiple roles, and striving to do it all. But what if I told you that one of the most powerful tools you can use to enhance your productivity, improve your relationships, and reduce stress is simply saying less?
Read MoreDo you find yourself rushing from one thing to the next? Grabbing your to-go mug of coffee while putting on your shoes and asking everyone if they've gone potty while you rush out the door with zero seconds to spare. Or slamming the laptop closed as soon as you hit send on that last email as you rush to not be the last parent at pick-up today. It's not that you mismanage your time. It's that there's just so much to squeeze in. And you want to get as much out of your time as possible.
Read MoreDo you love your job? I'm curious if that answer has changed over the years. I know it has for me, especially after having kids. Before I had my oldest child, I worked because frankly, I was ambitious. After working hard for my degree and taking risks to get internships and move to new cities, I wanted to put it all to good use.
Read MoreShe dreamed about relaxing. About smiling more. About sitting on the floor and actually playing with her kids, instead of just being in the same room with them while she picked up around them.
But she’d lost the ability to prioritize all the things in her life and she’d fallen into the habit of just doing whatever was in front of her.
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