Posts in Make it Work
Kelly Ihnen

“As a Type A person and a health coach myself, I thought that I should be able to do this work and find these resources myself. But working with Katelyn was like having a fresh set of eyes on my issues and she helped spark ideas that I couldn’t see before because I deal with these things all day everyday. I loved that her suggestions were a combination of action-based (something I could actually do differently) and thought-based (ways to change how I think about and approach a situation). Also, just having another working mom who struggles with the same situations and challenges and can offer ideas and support was invaluable.”

Kelly Ihnen, Knoxville, TN / Registered Dietician & First-time Mom

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Make it WorkSheila Franzen
Marvi V. Blandon

“Since working with Katelyn, I am more present when I come home from work and when deciding between different tasks, I know now what my priorities are and can remind myself to choose what matters most and what will make me happiest.”

Marvi V. Blandon, Orem, UT

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Make it WorkSheila Franzen