Creating a Life That Feels Like You
I have to tell you a story about these pants.
When I first tried them on, I had a LOT of thoughts about them:
They're too bold.
They're not practical.
You don't live on a tropical island - you live in OHIO!
What would you even wear with these?
How often would you get a chance to wear these?
What would people think?
But my sister insisted that I come out of the dressing room to show her.
As soon as I stepped out, she said,
"Those are SO you."
Wait... What?!?
"They are?", I asked.
"Yes!" she emphasized. And then she proceeded to help me think through all of the ways I could wear them and with what tops, etc.
I ended up buying them that day, but on a trial basis, I told myself. I would keep the tags on and wear them around the house and easily return them if I didn't love them.
But I couldn't stop hearing my sister's voice in my head, that these pants were me. And wasn't I the one drawn to them enough in the first place to even try them on?
Well, ultimately, I ripped the tags off and decided to OWN the pants.
And wouldn't you know, they ended up being one of my favorite pieces of the summer.
I wore them everywhere - out to dinner, on vacation, and around the house, but also to the dentist's office, to playdates, and to our neighborhood 4th of July parade.
I felt at home in those pants and loved the way they made me look like I was "floating" into a room.
People noticed it too. I've never received so many compliments as I have on these pants.
And all it took was someone to see something that I couldn't see yet.
Someone to help me see that it was possible to wear a bold pair of pants.
Someone to see the me that's trying to show up in this world and who calls that part of me forward.
And that is exactly what coaching is.
It's so easy to fall into the same patterns and habits.
To keep doing the things that are easy and comfortable.
(To continue the clothing metaphor, it's wearing the same style of jeans, the same colors, and the same outfits because you think the latest trends or something different won't look good on you.)
But what you need is someone who sees what's underneath the comfort and the same old, same old.
Someone who knows that a different way is possible and isn't afraid to challenge you to try it out.
Not in a "What-not-to-wear" way where you empty out your entire closet and buy all new things. (please tell me you get that reference!)
But in a one-new-style-at-a-time kind of way.
A way where you slowly incorporate new items into your closet that can mix and match with the things you're already comfortable wearing.
You deserve a life that feels fresh and exciting, like a pair of tropical pants that turn heads and elicit compliments.
But you have to be willing to try on something new.
And then have someone there who can tell you - That is SO you.
In 1:1 coaching we create your version of the tropical pants life. (I think I'm going to start using that as my tagline!!)
Are you ready…
to create a life that feels fresh, full of energy, and like the 2.0 version of everything you've already worked so hard to create? Click the button below to schedule a consult call where we'll map out all the things we'll work on together in 1:1 coaching.