There's No Such Thing as the "Right" Time

Every Tuesday night for the last 6 months, I've finished my dinner, said "see ya later" to my family, and walked up to my office for 2 hours of coaching class. 

The program started in the middle of winter when the sky was already dark and I remember having to will myself to stay awake when all I wanted to do was curl up under a blanket and relax.

Now that it's summer, I've spent the last few months sitting inside while my kids are out back playing and having fun in the warmer weather. 

I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel like a pretty big sacrifice on my time. 

But as I sit here after 6 months of showing up week after week, I'm so incredibly proud.

Not just for showing up, completing my assignments, and learning new skills. 

But for saying yes to something even when the timing didn't feel perfect.

You see, I've been wanting to get certified as an Executive Coach for years. With many of my clients coming from the corporate world, and more and more employers paying for coaching, it makes perfect sense for my business.

But all I could see, as I looked at program after program, were hurdles. ðŸš§

Weekend-long intensive classes in Chicago (nearest major city), full days in virtual zoom classrooms, or programs offered during some of the busiest seasons of the year. 

Going back to school as an adult isn't easy, especially when you have a job and young kids with their own schedules.

It's not just your time that you're sacrificing, it's also theirs. Not to mention the time of your partner, sitter, or family who help make attending class possible.

So, I put it off again and again thinking that there had to be a season when it would feel easier.

I'm laughing now because when I finally got on the phone with an admissions counselor for the program I ended up choosing, it was November. November!! The kick-off month to one of the busiest seasons of the year!!! 🤣 

And there I was thinking of adding a HUGE commitment to my already full plate. 

But I reminded myself of something I say to you all the time: 

There is no such thing as the "right" time. 

There will always be something going on in your life.

If you keep waiting for things to settle down, you could be waiting for a long time. 

So, I said f**k it and signed up. 

I didn't really know how I'd make it work, but I trusted that I would figure it out. And sure, it was rocky at times. 

There were weeks when I had to put my kids in front of a movie while I joined class because my husband had to work. Or weeks where I was scrambling to finish the reading or write my paper because life had gotten in the way.

But I don't know that any other time of my life would have been easier, except maybe when the kids are grown, and I wasn't willing to wait that long.

Was I in the minority in my class with young kids and a full-time job? Absolutely! (1 of 2, in fact) But that just makes me all the more proud for doing it anyway.

That thing that you've always wanted to do. That thing that feels like a big commitment or a scheduling challenge. 

  • What if there will never be a "right" or "perfect" time to do it? 

  • What if now is as good as then? Are you willing to wait or do you want to figure out how to make it work now? 

It's amazing how quickly we adapt to changes in our lives - for better or worse. It probably only took a few weeks for everyone in my house to remember that Tuesday nights, mom has class. We meal-planned around it, scheduled extracurriculars around it, and my husband planned his work around it.

It's never as hard as we think it will be to adjust. And it's so easy to be proud of ourselves for showing up and doing it.

So, whether it's a dance class, a trip, a program, or just reading againwhat if now is the best time?

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the Working Mom’s Ultimate Guide to Getting It Done. Inside I teach you my tried-and-true process for organizing work and life tasks so you can be more efficient and less overwhelmed.