Posts tagged vacation for working moms
3 Tips for Enjoying Your Family Vacation

Vacations are precious, regardless of who you are. But for working parents in particular, they hold a special weight. They use precious time from you PTO balance. Precious resources (i.e. money). And they're meant to create precious memories with our kids that we’ll always remember. That last one about the memories really got me into trouble a few summers ago. If I could sum up what went wrong in one word, it would be expectations.

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How to Make Your Everyday Life Feel Like Vacation

But what if you could incorporate just a sliver of your vacation life into your everyday life? What if you could read for 5 or 10 minutes a night? Or spend an evening playing cards or puzzling? How would that change the way you felt about work and all your responsibilities? Maybe then, you wouldn't need a vacation like you need a lifeline. Maybe you wouldn't have to spend the week decompressing from the stress of your everyday life.

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The Secret to Creating Family Memories As a Busy Working Mom

Memories, adventures, and experiences don’t just happen. With careers, kids, responsibilities, and routines, an entire season can pass you by if you don’t think about what you want to create. A life that you'll remember takes intention, but it doesn’t have to be hard.

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