Posts tagged organization
Life Admin Made Easy for Busy, Working Moms

Do you ever look at someone who's doing more than just the basics of everyday life, you know that next-level adulting stuff, and think, "wow she really has it together"? I'm picturing someone who reviews her finances regularly, updates her kid's memory book in a timely manner, prints an annual family photo album, and sends out birthday cards that aren't always belated.

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Finding Time for Your Goals

For the past couple of months, I've been taking a long walk every Wednesday morning with a friend. We have a beautiful cemetery and arboretum in our neighborhood with walking paths and so we walk about 3.5 miles (or about 8,000 steps according to my watch). I'm smiling as I write that because a little over a year ago, I was barely taking 2,500 steps in a day. Now, I'm starting my day with a walk that gets me anywhere from 2,500 to 8,000. Past me would be blown away 🤯 at how much progress I've made.

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How to Manage Email as a Busy, Working Mom

I kind of can't believe this myself, but two weeks ago I got to inbox zero for both my business and my personal email addresses. And I've managed to maintain it!!! My mind is blown 🤯! I mean, it lasted for all of 10 minutes before new emails started rolling in, but I have to admit it felt, and still feels really good. For years I've been curious about whether having a well-managed inbox would make a difference or not. My inbox wasn't necessarily out of control, but it's always been full. I've just learned to zero in on the important communications and tune out the rest.

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How to Categorize Your To-Do List

Do you sort or categorize your to-do list? Sorting is certainly not required, but it's something I want you to consider because it can make things easier when it comes time to plan. But there's one overlooked, yet particularly useful filter that can really make a difference in how efficient and effective you are with your time, especially as a parent...And that is sorting your tasks by those that are interruptible v. those that require focus.

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How to Build a Second Brain

A second brain can be a great way to share household responsibilities by making information readily available. With a shared school second brain, any adult in your household can call your child in sick or send an email to the teacher with a question about that project that's due! Here are some other categories or notebook pages that I'm in the process of creating (just to give you some ideas).

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