Posts in Productivity
When You Can’t Sit Still

She dreamed about relaxing. About smiling more. About sitting on the floor and actually playing with her kids, instead of just being in the same room with them while she picked up around them.

But she’d lost the ability to prioritize all the things in her life and she’d fallen into the habit of just doing whatever was in front of her.

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Your To-Do List Should Support Your Energy

Just last week I had a client frustrated with how she was showing up each day. She is super organized and has a great system to track all of the things she needs and wants to do. But when it came to execution, she just wasn't doing it.

She would make a plan for the day, put a realistic number of things on her list, and even add in time to exercise a few times a week. But with the variability of her workdays dealing with patients and the inconsistent sleep habits of her baby, she hadn't considered the idea that not all days are created equal.

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How to Stop Keeping Score with Your Spouse

Do you find yourself keeping score with your spouse? Or constantly comparing how much you do to how much he does? It’s easy to do when you’re tired, stressed, and feeling like you’re doing more than you want to be. But keeping score creates anger and resentment and probably isn’t how you truly want to show up at home or with your family. Here are 4 ideas for how to break out of the bad habit of keeping score so you can feel better about the work that both you and your spouse do to take care of your home and family.

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