Posts in Working Mom
Coasting Versus Leaning In

Coasting at work or quiet quitting is getting a lot of air time these days. But the truth is, working parents have gone in and out of phases of coasting for years as we navigate returning from parental leave, co-parenting with a partner's demanding work schedule, or just daycare illness season each fall/winter. It can be necessary at times and life/career-saving too. But what if you're stuck coasting because you think you don't have the time or energy that "leaning in" to your career will take? And what if the truth is, it doesn't take that much more?

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How To Let Things Go

Walking through my neighborhood, I started judging the overgrown gardens and flowerbeds full of weeds. I wondered how the homeowner could simply ignore their space and let it get to this point. But then August happened and I quickly realized how - because I became that homeowner. With little time and no energy, I focused on what was important and gardening just didn’t make the cut.

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Here's What Really Matters

What matters is that you're present in THE moments of your life with your kids. That you appreciate life when it's good. And when it doesn't feel as good, you draw on your freeze-frame moments to get you through. Because you recognize that you will come out of it tomorrow, or next week, or next month. And there will be more freeze-frame moments.

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