How to Get Off the Hamster Wheel as a Busy, Working Mom

If I asked you how you like to celebrate your wins in life, would you have an answer? 🤷‍♀️ Or would you say, "I don't know. I've never thought about it before."? We're taught to celebrate the big milestones in life. The birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. The firsts and the lasts. But the in-between, everyday wins, successes, and progress? Those aren't the celebrations we see very often.

And if we do, they can be seen as "too much" or "a little excessive".

But what if celebrating the smaller, in-between moments and experiences is actually the thing that makes life more enjoyable?

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4 Steps to Start Prioritizing Self-Care as a Busy, Working Mom

Do you ever fall asleep at night without brushing your teeth? Are you ever so tired that the thought of getting up off the couch or out from under the covers to wash your face is just TOO much. You're not alone! I hear this all the time from clients and community members. Whether it's brushing your teeth, drinking water, taking vitamins, washing your face, or getting enough sleep, finding the energy for these healthy habits can feel hard.

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Laundry Hacks: Simple Solutions for Busy, Working Moms

Let's talk about laundry. 👕🧺 The dirty laundry that needs to get done because you're running out of clean clothes, the clean laundry that sits in the basket waiting to be folded and put away, the soccer socks, dance leotard, and sports jerseys that are never clean when you need them, and my favorite... The laundry that sat overnight in the washer because you forgot about it and now needs to be washed again.

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The Secret to Being a More Patient and Present Mom

We think of patience as a skill. Something we need to learn and practice. Something that parenting experts can help us with by providing the phrases and scripts to use in those frustrating situations. But you could have the best strategies, phrases, or skills and still react impatiently if you're overwhelmed.

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Life Admin Made Easy for Busy, Working Moms

Do you ever look at someone who's doing more than just the basics of everyday life, you know that next-level adulting stuff, and think, "wow she really has it together"? I'm picturing someone who reviews her finances regularly, updates her kid's memory book in a timely manner, prints an annual family photo album, and sends out birthday cards that aren't always belated.

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Finding Time for Your Goals

For the past couple of months, I've been taking a long walk every Wednesday morning with a friend. We have a beautiful cemetery and arboretum in our neighborhood with walking paths and so we walk about 3.5 miles (or about 8,000 steps according to my watch). I'm smiling as I write that because a little over a year ago, I was barely taking 2,500 steps in a day. Now, I'm starting my day with a walk that gets me anywhere from 2,500 to 8,000. Past me would be blown away 🤯 at how much progress I've made.

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How to Manage Email as a Busy, Working Mom

I kind of can't believe this myself, but two weeks ago I got to inbox zero for both my business and my personal email addresses. And I've managed to maintain it!!! My mind is blown 🤯! I mean, it lasted for all of 10 minutes before new emails started rolling in, but I have to admit it felt, and still feels really good. For years I've been curious about whether having a well-managed inbox would make a difference or not. My inbox wasn't necessarily out of control, but it's always been full. I've just learned to zero in on the important communications and tune out the rest.

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3 Tips for Enjoying Your Family Vacation

Vacations are precious, regardless of who you are. But for working parents in particular, they hold a special weight. They use precious time from you PTO balance. Precious resources (i.e. money). And they're meant to create precious memories with our kids that we’ll always remember. That last one about the memories really got me into trouble a few summers ago. If I could sum up what went wrong in one word, it would be expectations.

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There's No Such Thing as the "Right" Time

Every Tuesday night for the last 6 months, I've finished my dinner, said "see ya later" to my family, and walked up to my office for 2 hours of coaching class. The program started in the middle of winter when the sky was already dark and I remember having to will myself to stay awake when all I wanted to do was curl up under a blanket and relax. Now that it's summer, I've spent the last few months sitting inside while my kids are out back playing and having fun in the warmer weather. 

I'd be lying if I said it didn't feel like a pretty big sacrifice on my time. 

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